Amnys Darbyshire
Amnys Darbyshire
When booking Womb or Fertility Massage Therapy, please do not to book in when you are due to be bleeding.
If you have any questions please do reach out and contact me.
Thank you for your booking.
Amnys is an intuitive body worker. She listens to your whole body which guide each session. She invites you to practice selfcare, as well as making simple changes within your life to empower you to feel in charge of your own health and wellbeing.
- Tare·
The massage was excellent. My body feels so refreshed!
- Liza·
Felt really held and guided throughout the session. Appreciated the wholistic approach and care. Would recommend to women who are ready to heal physically, mentally and spiritually.
- Joy·
Such new synchronicity being guided to Amnys and so delighted to find a wise woman to help me heal and release pelvic issue. Profound healing for me for my daughter and her pregnancy as I did my own work with Amnys' intuitive guidance and skilled hands. ( PS. The baby turned for my daughter btw). I'm looking forward to my best session.